Romanus conferentia : pour la médiation de la guerre en Bohème / To mediate the war in Bohemia
Posted 25 September 2014 - 06:39 PM
The King of St. Peter had proposed to the Lords belligerents to act as a mediator in the conflict in Bohemia. So he invited the lords of Germany, and those in the East, eager to defend their positions, to send their ambassadors to Rome to resolve the conflict that seems hopeless.The Duke of Calabria had offered his help and the King of St. Peter agreed. They would both share the heavy task to resolve this conflict.
«Après que le duc eut occupé la Romagne, il trouva que le pays était plein de larcins, de brigandages et d'abus de toutes sortes : il pensa qu'il était nécessaire pour le réduire en paix de lui donner un bon gouvernement. À quoi il proposa messire Remy d'Orque, homme cruel et expéditif. Celui-ci en peu de temps remit le pays en tranquillité et union. Mais ensuite Borgia, estimant qu'une si excessive autorité n'était plus de saison, voulut montrer que, s'il y avait eu quelque cruauté, elle n'était pas venue de sa part, mais de la mauvaise nature du ministre. Prenant là-dessus l'occasion au poil, il le fit un beau matin, à Cesena, mettre en deux morceaux, au millieu de la place, avec un billot de bois et un couteau sanglant près de lui. La férocité de ce spectacle fit le peuple demeurer en même temps content et stupide.» — Niccolò Machiavelli, Le Prince
Posted 26 September 2014 - 11:48 AM
The goal of these negotiations is to permanently end the current conflict, and bring forth a strong peace treaty between the four nations involved. Bohemia needs to be either under neutral control, or shared control. Diplomacy with Poland should've solved this matter a long time ago. Sadly enough, communication is not a forte amongst some of us. Hence my hope The kingdom of Rome can find a solution.
-The current situation is that we claim 14 of the 28 Bohemian cities, and give them to Monthois, who will become pure Bohemian. The question of who will become king is an issue.
-An alternative is that we all leave Bohemia, and let the country fill up with either neutral players, or new ones. Again the problem of a king is a major issue.
Other options are always welcome, this is merely a point of reference to start from.
Posted 26 September 2014 - 12:32 PM
We demand lands back and reparations for the unjust and unqualifiable attack from Hof and allies on Vac, Senta, Debrecen, and other various people, when all hungarians were pacific and did not intend to attack anyone. We ask for why in hell hof is concerned about bohemia when he was mostly west-german. In particular, when the said hof has something like 70 lands, and needs absolutely nothing more to support his financial situation... the fact that germany becomes a land of no-techs is of his concern, while the fact that lands previously owned by hungarians will become such deserts are mine.
Also, we ask for Monthois or any other neutral one, if he comes to take those bohemian lands, to give up on any lands and titles he has in other countries.
Last, I don't care who the king of bohemia would be, but i would support plock as we are allied since the poland war 2 centuries ago.
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Posted 26 September 2014 - 01:08 PM
Lands will be given back in exchange for some of the German lands that are not yet turned to us, including 3 Bohemian cities. A monetary fee will not be paid as Hungary profited more than enough from controlling the German cities for a great amount of years. I would also like to stress that I am not interested in having the Bohemian cities for myself or any ally of Germany. The intention is to have a neutral country and a buffer zone in between us, as well as an extra factor in case of future conflict. As I have said in previous talks: Bohemia was claimed by Plock per war. He can not complain when we do the same. At least we are not semi-annexing the country as he did, and we are even looking for a mutual agreement. In our defense, I would also like to point out that all Bohemian cities so far were taken from Houses without active leadership.
Posted 26 September 2014 - 01:50 PM
Mais ce n'était guère lui l'important.
Malgré sa posture d'héritier, puis de suzerain de la maison de San Marco, le retardement mental qui le touchait l'avait fondamentalement confiné à paraître en public, sans jamais décrocher un mot.
A tout le moins, et heureusement, il portait beau.
Non, San Marco était là pour appuyer la médiation en Compagnie de Rome, mais ceux qui comptaient étaient ses parents présents.
Gaiben, intendant du duché de Calabre, qui tenait les comptes comme personne.
Enored, encore jeunette, qui représentait sa mère et sa grand mère, toutes à la fois maîtresses de maison, de la diplomatie, et membres du conseil de régence.
Enfin, Margaid, la soeur aînée du duc et son héritière, bien qu'elle n'eut encore aucun enfant.
Et à peine les belligérants avaient gagné les terres de Rome qu'ils s'invectivaient déjà.
La partie s'annonçait serrée.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 10:02 AM
Nous Briend de Rawa, Roi de Pologne, venons faire entendre notre voix et celle de nos frères Polonais. Puisse cette discusion faire resortir nos royaumes plus fort.
(google translate)
The King of Poland made the trip for the occasion.
We Briend Rawa, King of Poland, just our voices and our Polish brothers heard. This discusion can bring out the best of our strongest kingdoms.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 10:52 AM
We will shortly be returning the cities of: Miskolc, Arva Vara, Cakovec and Egerszeg.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 10:59 AM
Posted 27 September 2014 - 11:33 AM
You can't blame them if they are afraid by your last actions and so preparing themselves to counter an eventual attack from you.
Of course I do not blame them for anything. But we put a lot of trust into giving Poland 2 weeks to come to the negotiation table, did not attack when Plock and Lippa were in vacation mode, etc.. We are protecting the effort put in by the lord of Rome and other negotiating parties, as well as our own efforts, by contacting other nations to assist in safeguarding peace during these talks. Of course, Poland could come forth and make that guarantee right here on the forums. In which case I will take your word for it, and we will do the same in return.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 02:51 PM
Nous n'avons aucune attention béliqueuse, néanmoins j'ose le rappeler dans cette histoire nous ne sommes pas l'agresseur.
Il serait mal venu de votre par cher germain d'essayer de nous faire croire que nos actions ne vous inspire pas confiance.
A l'heure qu'il est nous n'avons jamais je ne dis bien jamais eu d'action hostile à l'égard du peuple allemand. Aucune armée royale n'a non plus franchit les frontières Polonaises.
Je vous demanderais donc de ne point menacer mon peuple pour les actions béliqueuses que vous avez entrepris.
(google translate)
The king smiled.
We have no béliqueuse careful, however I may be quoted in this story we are not the aggressor.
It would be inappropriate for your dear sibling trying to make us believe that our actions do not inspire trust you.
At this hour we never I mean never had any hostile action against the German people. No royal army has either crossed the Polish border.
I would ask you not to threaten my people for béliqueuses actions you have undertaken.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 03:54 PM
Arator, we are awaiting your word.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 04:05 PM
(google translate)
You have my word that during the negotiations will not make any Polish army of hostile action.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 04:14 PM
Also, I would like to note that Denmark has been neutral in this conflict. We did temporarily transfer leadership of some cities to the future Danish king due to diplomatic circumstances (read in non rp: bugs).
Posted 27 September 2014 - 04:27 PM
Gwenc'hlan de Czersk,
commandant de la 1ère Armée de Pologne.#15
Posted 27 September 2014 - 05:32 PM
Votre majesté, roi d'allemagne vosu semblez vouloir nous mentir et nous manipuler. Mais des gens d'armes à votre botte sont sur nos terres et je ne sais qu'elles actions hostiles les guides.
Mais je vosu demande une explication sur le champs. Ayez une parole et tenez vous y, ses soldats peuvent largement passer sur vos terres que vosu avez dérobés aux bohémiens.
Le roi déposa le document sur la table.
(google translate)
A servant of the king of Poland brought its manifesto KNOWLEDGE, after reading the King became red with anger.
Your majesty, king of Germany vosu seem to want to lie and manipulate us. But people weapons to boot are on our land and I know they hostile action guides.
But I vosu request an explanation of the fields. Have a word and stick to it, soldiers can largely spend on your land that vosu have stolen from gypsies.
The king placed the document on the table.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 05:44 PM
I will quote myself:
"Our troops will remain within borders of Germany and the captured Bohemian cities during the course of negotiations.""
We are still within those borders.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 10:51 PM
Une estafette essouflée se présente devant le Seigneur d'Orlik.
"Caporal Janacek au rapport, Sire. Après vérification, les troupes du Duc de Greifswald n'ont pas franchi la frontière. Seul un petit groupe de trainards qui s'étaient perdus a été signalé sur vos terres et ils ont été poliment raccompagnés au poste frontalier.
Un paysan a porté plainte en affirmant qu'on lui avait volé deux poules durant la nuit, cela reste à confirmer."
A exhausted messenger presents himself in front of the Lord d'Orlik. '"Corporal Janacek reporting, Sire. After verification, the troops of the Duke of Greifswald did not cross the border. Only a small group of stragglers who were lost was signalled on your lands and they were escorted back politely to the border post. A peasant lodged a complaint, saying that two hens were stolen during the night, it remains to be confirmed. "
Posted 28 September 2014 - 09:29 AM
Pour les poules, qu'il soit su que je le Royaume de Pologne s'engage à acheter 100 poules à ce paysans pour le dédomager du vol.
(google translate)
Good either, the incident is closed majesty. I accept your explanation, we pouvosn continue on the heart of the case.
For hens, whether I knew the Kingdom of Poland agrees to buy 100 chickens to farmers for dédomager theft.
Posted 28 September 2014 - 03:30 PM
— Vos illustres Majesté, je suis confiant que si vous avez fait le voyage jusqu'à Rome c'est que vous désirez de bonne foi trouver une sortie à cette crise. Toutefois, de par la nature du conflit, il est facile de laisser nos émotions prendre le dessus sur la raison et nous sommes parfaitement en mesure de le comprendre. C'est pourquoi, pour la suite des choses, je propose de vous questionner tour à tour afin de mieux comprendre les motifs et pour mieux orienter le débat. Biensûr, si vous jugez les réponses insatisfaisante vous pourrez à votre tour vous questionner. Néanmoins, pour éviter d'éventuels débordement, j'aimerais que vous ne vous vous adressiez à moi plutôt qu'à la partie adverse. Y voyez-vous une objection?
While sitting on the throne of St. Peter, his face slightly distorted by his hand, King of St. Pierre listened with boredom about his counterparts Majesties and their representatives. He noted the points made by the parties and trying to find the best deal possible ground. Apart from a few transactions about chicken, the only point of agreement seemed to be emerging was that there was disagreement.
- Your Majesties, I am confident that if you made the trip to Rome is that you want in good faith to find a way out of this crisis. However, due to the nature of the conflict, it is easy to let our emotions take over reason and we are perfectly capable of understanding it. Therefore, for the rest of this negotiation, I propose to question you in turn to better understand the motivations and to better focus the debate. Of course, if you think that the answers are not satisfactory, you can ask your own question. However, to avoid potential overflow of emotion, I'd like you were talking to me rather than the other party. Do you see any objection?
«Après que le duc eut occupé la Romagne, il trouva que le pays était plein de larcins, de brigandages et d'abus de toutes sortes : il pensa qu'il était nécessaire pour le réduire en paix de lui donner un bon gouvernement. À quoi il proposa messire Remy d'Orque, homme cruel et expéditif. Celui-ci en peu de temps remit le pays en tranquillité et union. Mais ensuite Borgia, estimant qu'une si excessive autorité n'était plus de saison, voulut montrer que, s'il y avait eu quelque cruauté, elle n'était pas venue de sa part, mais de la mauvaise nature du ministre. Prenant là-dessus l'occasion au poil, il le fit un beau matin, à Cesena, mettre en deux morceaux, au millieu de la place, avec un billot de bois et un couteau sanglant près de lui. La férocité de ce spectacle fit le peuple demeurer en même temps content et stupide.» — Niccolò Machiavelli, Le Prince
Posted 28 September 2014 - 04:22 PM
(google translate)
Your majesty, the accuracy of your words commands respect for Poland no problem keeping your advice that we believe bodes well.
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