How to Quit Dog Barking

De March of History
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Your dog may bark as a warning that your home has been broken into by a burglar or to let you know of the method of a stranger. Dog barking is also used to get attention or to intimidate the dog owner or others. What ever the purpose for the barking, I'm certain we are all in agreement that it is annoying and ways need to be found to stop it quickly. Owners of constantly barking dogs are sometimes charged with disturbing the peace. Luckily, there are several methods to discourage dogs from barking with out good reason.

Training your dog when it is suitable for him to bark is the probably the very best way to quit undesirable barking. Although there are a number of choices, the very best way is the reward/reprimand technique. This is an effective and humane method.

In order to avoid using this training technique, some dog owners use an electronic bark collar which emits a small electric shock when the dog barks. Eventually, the dog barking ceases as the dog connects his barking with an unpleasant encounter. I am of the opinion that using this method to stop dog barking is inhumane and cruel.

Electronic collars should not be used for a variety of factors, one becoming that not all dogs connect their barking with the uncomfortable shock. They discover to tolerate the shock and continue to bark. In addition, if the prongs on the collar do not touch the dog's skin, a dog with a thick coat will not feel the shock. It should be noted that only using an electronic collar for training rarely stops dog barking. For the best outcomes, dog obedience training is also necessary.

Some individuals are of the opinion that electronic collars could discourage dogs, even although the collar may not truly them. Individuals who have this viewpoint often use citronella collars which function on a similar principle to electronic collars. The citronella collar emits a mist when the dog barks. As dogs have a tendency to dislike the smell, they will begin to connect their barking with the foul aroma and will stop barking. The success rate is about the same as for electronic collars.

Although electronic collars can be useful coaching tools, most vets and dog trainers feel that they can't be utilized as a replacement for great obedience coaching. Dog obedience training helps to resolve much more dog behavior problems than just dog barking.

Surgery is sometimes utilized to quit dog barking. This is the most barbaric and drastic choice. The dog is prevented from barking by having a piece of tissue removed from the larynx. There have been instances exactly where the dog's ability to bark has returned, voiding the objective of the surgery. Fortunately, most vets are opposed to surgery to stop dog barking.

I hope we have managed to convince you that good dog obedience training is important for dog barking and most other dog behavior problems. It is worth noting that if a dog stops barking with an electronic collar, he will not bark when a burglar enters your home. However, a dog that is offered obedience training will know the appropriate times to bark and will protect you and your family.