I was updating my user guide in the wiki and I was going to add some pages. I got an error that the human test was not working. I am using Chrome. Did I do something wrong?
We need a war guide and some other stuff (in English). (YES! I know Brennos. I am naughty! I was going to work hard on RK, but I am too addicted to this game. I kind of got sidetracked when Ophelia got me really into the Locke server . . I have stepped down my activity here though, so do not fear. I am still interested in doing work on RK. I just really want to write the war guide and other pages before I forget all my awesome MoH strategies. <3)
ETA: DANG IT. I can't remove this post. (You may want it in the WIKI section of the forum. Thanks, mon amis.)