Than two.0 ?its maximum diameter). Mesoscutellar disc: largely smooth. Variety of pits

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Gin of mediotergite. Mediotergite 2 width at posterior margin/length: three.six?.9 or four.0?.three. Mediotergite length of fore wing veins r/2RS: two.0?.2 or 2.3 or additional. 17 , five (BMNH, CNC, INBIO, INHS, NMNH). COSTA RICA: ACG database codes: DHJPAR0003003, 02-SRNP-5614, 03-SRNP-21916, 04SRNP-31228. Description. Female. Metatibia color (outer face): completely or largely (>0.7 metatibia length) dark brown to black, with yellow to white coloration generally restricted to anterior 0.two or less. jir.2014.0026 Fore wing veins colour: veins C+Sc+R and R1 mostly brown; commonly veins r, 2RS, 2M, (RS+M)b, 1CU, 2Cua, and 1m u partially brown; interior location of other veins, and at the least part of pterostigma, commonly light brown or yellowish hite. Antenna length/body length: antenna shorter than body (head to apex of metasoma), not extending beyond anterior 0.7 metasoma length, hardly ever antenna about as long as body (head to apex of metasoma); if slightly shorter, at least extending beyond anterior 0.7 metasoma length. Body length (head to apex of metasoma): two.0 mm or less or 2.3?.4 mm.Than two.0 ?its maximum diameter). Mesoscutellar disc: mainly smooth. Quantity of pits in scutoscutellar sulcus: 11 or 12. Maximum height of mesoscutellum lunules/maximum height of lateral face of mesoscutellum: 0.four?.5. Propodeum areola: entirely defined by carinae, which includes transverse carina extending to spiracle. Propodeum background sculpture: largely sculptured. Mediotergite 1 length/width at posterior margin: two.9?.1. Mediotergite 1 shape: largely parallel ided for 0.five?.7 of its length, then narrowing posteriorly so mediotergite anterior width >1.1 ?posterior width. Mediotergite 1 sculpture: mostly sculptured, excavated region centrally with transverse striation inside and/or a polished knob centrally on posterior margin of mediotergite. Mediotergite 2 width at posterior margin/length: 3.six?.9. Mediotergite two sculpture: with some sculpture, largely close to posterior margin. Outer margin of hypopygium: having a wide, medially folded, transparent, semi esclerotized location; usually with four or additional pleats. Ovipositor thickness: about identical width throughout its length. Ovipositor sheaths length/metatibial length: 0.8?.9. Length of fore wing veins r/2RS: 2.0?.2 or two.3 or extra. Length of fore wing veins 2RS/2M: 1.1?.3. Length of fore wing veins 2M/(RS+M)b: 0.7?.eight. Pterostigma length/width: three.six or additional. Point of insertion of vein r in pterostigma: about half way point length of pterostigma. Angle of vein r with fore wing anterior margin: far more or significantly less perpendicular to fore wing margin. Shape of junction of veins r and 2RS in fore wing: distinctly but not strongly angled. Molecular information. No molecular data out there for this species. Biology/ecology. Solitary, white cocoons (Muesebeck 1921 and 1958). Hosts: Crambidae, Diaphania hyalinata. Distribution. Cuba, Puerto Rico; there is no suggestion that this wasp occurs in ACG, though you'll find a lot of species of Diaphania that breed in ACG. Apanteles inesolisae Fern dez-Triana, abn0000128 sp. n. Figs 182, 313 Apanteles Rodriguez58 (Smith et al. 2006). Interim name offered by the authors. Kind locality. COSTA RICA, Alajuela, ACG, Sector Pitilla, Pasmompa, 440m, 11.01926, -85.40997.Jose L. Fernandez-Triana et al.