
De March of History
Révision de 18 novembre 2015 à 18:37 par Saber (discussion | contributions) (A. Creation of a Kingdom)

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First, to get a prestigious title, it is sufficient to have 60% of the seignories.

Part I: Concepts & Dynamiques

I. The concept of Kingdoms

A kingdom is composed of:

  • a title of King;
  • a capital city;
  • a set of laws;
  • a set of lands obeying these laws, and which are by definition the territories of the kingdom;
  • a set of regalian positions.

A king is never the vassal of another title.

II. A Kingdom's territory

There are two distinct concepts:

  • The set of lands claimed by the king title (giving him a casus belli for a war).
  • The set of lands in the kingdom's territory (subject to the kingdom's laws).

The second set is always included in the first one.

Moreover, for a land to be included in the kingdom's territory, it must fulfill those 2 conditions:

  • A kingdom's land must be a vassal of the king, directly or indirectly.
  • It must have been annexed into the kingdoms, which costs political points (see below).

III. Kingdoms' Dynamics

A. Creation of a Kingdom

1°/ Conditions

In order to create a kingdom which did not exist until now, you must be able to claim the king title (thus possessing or vassalizing directly or indirectly 60% of all claimed territories). Plus:

  • You must possess at least a lord title in the claimed lands only vassalized by titles owned by yourself.

Example : Let's say that the Seignory of Vannes is in the claimed lands of the future King of France. To be able to select Vannes as capital of your kingdom you must be the owner of the seignory and also the only liege of this city in every levels of the vassalisation's chain. If one of the lieges (no matter if it's the viscount, count or duke) is from a different houses then it won't work.

  • The 60% possession is only counting titles your family has that have no liege lord.

Example : Let's say that the Seignory of Vannes is in the claimed lands of the future King of France. To be able to count it in the 60%, it is not enough to have it be either owned or vassalized by the player's family. Indeed, if he owns it, but has it vassalized to, say, the king of england, he is not the uppermost lord in the vassalization chain and must first break this bond.

2°/ Result of the creation

Once created,

  • Every land in the above criteria are now part of the kingdom's territory. The king is their uppermost liege lord.
  • A city chosen by the player becomes the Kingdom's capital.

Once this is done, we end up with a pyramidal structure of the titles.

3°/ The creation process

To create a new kingdom, you must respect the conditions described above in A 1°/, throughout a process that takes time (NB : if you lose 60%, you have to start over from the beginning).

When the player clicks to claim the kingship, he will have to choose a capital from his cities inside the kingdom. He also sees which relations of vassalage will change, and the number of PP to produce. This number is the number of level one titles (lords) that will have the king as their ruler (number of lands in the kingdom's territory), times 2, plus 5.

Any family, at any time, can give political points.

A family can also pay 1 PP to diminish by one the amount of already given PP to slow down the kingdom's creation.

This process takes a minimum of one year (even if you reach the goal in less than a year, adversaries will be able to invest negative PP to diminish the total).

Any of these actions (increasing or decreasing the number of PP) will be publicly visible in the screen of the prestigious title.

B. Kingdom size increase or decrease

If a province is no more a direct/indirect vassal of the king title, it is not considered as part of the kingdom anymore.

If the capital city is not in the kingdom anymore, then another capital is randomly chosen amongst the kingdom territories directly owned by the king, as centered inside the kingdom as possible.

If, in the 20 years following its separation of a kingdom, a city is vassal of the king again, it is automatically back in the kingdom.

If the king acquires a land or vassality on a claimed land, these lands are not yet part of the kingdom. They must be annexed first.

This annexation is a process similar to the creation of the Kingdom, and costs 2 PP. (Similar as in the previous process, any family can pay to help or prevent this annexation, and the process takes a minimum of one year)

C. Kingdom's fall

The kingdom falls if no one owns the title of king, as for any other title.

It can also disappear if there are no more possible capital city (ie the king has lost all its lands in the kingdom's claimed territory).

Part. 2 : Laws of kingdoms

This part ni not entirelmy active (coded). Here are the French rules, this part needs to be translated :

Part. 3 : Kingly offices

You part is not active (coded) yet. Here are the French rules, this part needs to be translated :