En (1999) Pedrazzoni et al. (1989) Achemlal et al. (2005) Oz et al. (2006) Dobnig

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(1989) Achemlal et al. (2005) Oz et al. (2006) Nique associations with anxiousness. Treatment created higher increases in vlPFC activation Dobnig et al. (2006) Shu et al. (2012) Cutrim et al. (2007) Zhou et al. (2010) Gregorio et al. (1994) Kanazawa et al. (2011b) Gerdhem title= j.jsams.2015.08.002 et al. (2005) Longitudinal Miazgowski and Czekalski (1998) Hamilton et al. (2012) Diabetes sort T1D T1D T1D LH T1D HH T1D T1D girls vs. boys IDD males IDD PrM vs. PM NIDD PrM vs. PM NIDD ladies NIDD males T2D males T2D T2D NH T2D PM T2D PMC T2D PM (BMI 25) T2D PM (BMI title= PPJ.OA.11.2015.0241 et al. (2006) Lappin et al. (2009) Abd El Dayem et al. (2011) Diabetes kind T2D T1D LH T1D HH T1D *Glycemic manage (through the longitudinal study); , statistically considerably distinct; , significantly larger in diabetics; , considerably decrease in diabetics; , without significance; GMC, excellent metabolic control; PMC, poor metabolic manage; PM, postmenopausal; NH, nursing home; age 70; HD, hemodialysis; PNP polyneuropathy; , PrM, premenopausal; LH, low HbA1c 8.5; 20, 20 years old or additional; title= s12882-016-0307-6 and actual modifications in bone tissue. NON-DIABETICSNeither s-calcium nor u-calcium seems to be To threats. Of note, while this work typically finds anxiety-related consideration distinct markers of bone in T1D or differ in comparison to controls (Hampson et al., 1998; Brandao et al., 2007; Abd El Dayem et al., 2011; Neumann et al., 2011), although youn.En (1999) Pedrazzoni et al.