Dicine prescription filled, and out-of-pocket expenses for each of the previous

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We estimated the following costs associated with treatment of a severe pneumonia episode in children 2010 2010 2010?011 2010 NA NA NA NA 2007?008 2002 NA NA 2008?0090 (0/9) 0 (0/18) 0 (0/10) 0 (0/20) 0.52 (2/381) six.9 (19/274) 0 (0/14) 7 (19/271) 9.two (6/65) 17.1 (6/35) 17.1 (6/35) 2.6 (2/75) 0 (0/92) 0 (0/20) 0 (0/23) 0 (0/29) 0 (0/3) 25 (3/12) 9.five (2/21) 0 (0/10) 0 (0/20) 0 (0/288) 100 (3/3)This studyThis studyThis studyThis study intervention and control clusters from a household perspective (Box 2). ? io da as--days lost mean daily income of+COST OF SEVERE PNEUMONIA TREATMENTBox 1 Definitions of pneumonia, inclusion /exclusion, and treatment failure criteria in a cluster randomzized control trial of community treatment of severe pneumonia in children 2?9 months of age in Haripur, Pakistanthe head of the household for the intervention and control groups. Foregone earning was self-reported by the households because of absence from work to take a child to the health facility and for child care. Data entry. Data were entered and analyzed in SPSS version 15 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). We used an exchange rate of US 1 equal to 85.30 Pakistani rupees (PKR). RESULTS Sample characteristics. A total of 423 (212 intervention, 211 control) cases of severe pneumonia were enrolled in the study. The two treatment groups were similar with regards to gender distribution of patients and educational attainment of parents of the enrolled children. The meanhousehold monthly income was Pakistani rupees (PKR) 7,844 (median 8,400) and PKR 8,435 (median 9,000) in the intervention and control clusters, respectively. Only six women in the intervention clusters and 16 women in the control clusters reported earnings Therefore, a majority of household income share was contributed by the head of the households. Approximately 12 households in intervention clusters and 17 in control clusters earned jir.2010.0108 the payment receipts for these services. For medicines, the retail price on the label was used for calculating direct costs. In case receipts were not available, retail market rates for previous services and medicines were applied. Although oral amoxicillin in the intervention clusters and the first dose of cotrimoxazole in the control clusters were provided free of cost to the patients, a cost equivalent was included in calculations for determining household costs. Direct non-medical ijerph7041855 costs. Costs incurred for transportation, meals for caregivers at the health facility, and under-the-table payments made for services at the health facility. Indirect costs. Opportunity cost of caregiver time and foregone wages was measured at the household level. Opportunity cost was estimated as the approximate value of non-wage household activity to account for time spent on care seeking and child care based on the assumption that if the person was working, how much will be the expected earnings.