Istory and was not a smoker. He had suffered, since 1999, from

De March of History
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The HRCT showed bilateral Tly coated at ten mg/mL (P1) or 5 mg/mL (P2) in confluent hyperdensities consistent with peribronchovascular micronodules, ground-glass hyperdensities, and alveolar condensation, together with 2 excavated lesions in the left lower lobe. Three years later, the pulmonary functional tests were recovered: VC--2.71 L (71 ); forced expiratory volume in 1 second/VC--78 ; and DLCO/alveolar volume: 82 . During the following years, the lung involvement did not relapse but the patient developed a chronic reHLH. He was started on intravenous immunoglobulins and azathioprine. Infliximab 5 mg/kg was also introduced in 2007 but did not allow controlling the disease; the patient remained steroid-dependent at 20 mg/d prednisone. In 2011, the patient died from myocardial infarction.3.1.3. Case 3.Istory and was not a smoker. He had suffered, since 1999, from an intermittent biopsy-proven neutrophilic dermatitis considered as an atypical Sweet syndrome. He had during the last few months a transient rash, an intermittent fever (38?9 ), sweats, a 6-kg weight loss, sore throat, dysphonia, cough with mucopurulent sputum, arthralgia, and lymphadenopathy. He has been successfully treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids. The HRCT showed bilateral confluent hyperdensities consistent with peribronchovascular micronodules, ground-glass hyperdensities, and alveolar condensation, together with 2 excavated lesions in the left lower lobe. This was associated with a mild bilateral pleural effusion and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. The laboratory data were the following: CRP--158 mg/L; high ESR; procalcitonin--