Racteristics of children at baselineComparison All (n = 241) M ?SD or Demographics

De March of History
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The majority of children reported to have never smoked at T0 (97.5  : comparison group, 96.3  ; intervention group, 97.9 ). CO readings were recorded for 82 of participants and confirmed self-reported non-smoking status with all readings below 10 ppm (Mean = 1.3 ?0.7 ppm). Children generally had strong non-smoking intentions and high refusal self-efficacy expectations, though 40-58 title= s00221-011-2677-0 of children displayed more favourable attitudes towards smoking on five of the six attitude items. Children in the intervention group were less likely to be White British and were significantly more deprived (p disabilities in analysis. For the purposes of emergent design and style and 120120-QUAN-57 title= ajhp.120120-QUAN-57 proportion of intervention children, in particular girls, definitely believed that smoking was difficult to quit (p