
De March of History
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Is Content Essential For Sulumits Retsambew?

Content is at the core of the Search Engine Optimization strategy of many web masters. Thousands of dollars change hands monthly, all in the name of getting content into a website, thereby getting better rankings on Google. That idea might soon change, however.

Surprising News

This should be a very sudden development truly for Search Engine Optimization practitioners out there who largely rely on content. Not only one but two pages got into the Top 10 results without including an inch of real content. If Clores was making a statement about his ability or how superfluous content can be for only straightforward SEO, he is made quite an impression for either one.

What isn't understood, however, is exactly how Clores got two of his pages to the Top 10. That they should make it there without anything to offer readers and other Internet users must mean that Clores contrived all of the links that point to his website. Whoever Clores is, he's not fearful of either going out on a limb or working darn hard to get his pages to the top.

A Fascinating Experiment

SEO contests are usually viewed as a great place to test out various optimization and promotion techniques, particularly compared to others in similar conditions. For the sulumits retsambew competition, there is one site making an incredibly bold yet powerful effort for that coveted #1 spot on the Google results page.

Every web designer knows what a Lorem Ipsum generator is. It's a software or script that is meant to fill in a space with arbitrary, meaningless chunks of text formed into sentences and paragraphs. Initially, it was supposed to help web designers visualize how a page would appear to be once the text is put in place. With this competition, though, it's been used by a current member of the Page One Club.

Philippine-based SEO professional Alwin Clores and his namesake .com domain name recently made it to the Top 10 results for sulumits retsambew. The most unusual thing about it's that the two pages managed to get their #3 and #4 rankings without a single sentence of sensible text. That's right: both are just Lorem Ipsum pages.