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#1 Mortifer



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Posté 27 juillet 2016 - 03:20

Yesteday I found that my subscription priviliges had disapered. I interpret this as my subscription had ended and I tried today to resubscribe.

I get as far as to confirm payment on paypal and the payment window closes and then the entire page locks and I cant do anything with it. 

I still have no manage button in my games and therefor I think im not subscribed.


Please look into this matter and let me know what I need to do (if anything)


Thank you

#2 Mortifer



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Posté 27 juillet 2016 - 03:40

A. Ecran affecté - Screen where the bug occures :   regular game screen in MoH; Subscription screen and also regarding paypal payments

B. Décrivez ce qui se passe - Describe the problem :  Cannot access premium benefits; cannot manually renew subscription

C. Comment reproduire précisément la situation ? How could we reproduce the same situation to see the bug ?  not sure

D. Nom de la partie - Name of the game :  March of History - Bacon & DIDEROT server

E. Votre machine et votre navigateur - Your computer and your web browser : PC(win10), chrome

F. Votre login - Your name : Mortifer

G. Informations supplémentaires, screenshots etc - More informations, screenshots etc :   I recently lost the ability to access the city management screen one acquires with a subscription (and presumably other premium benefits); so, I thought my subscription had lapsed and repeatedly attempted to renew my subscription manually.  However, according to paypal, I had a recurring 1-month subscription still active at the time.  I cancelled permission for that transaction and then tried to renew manually again with no success.   I then, belatedly, noticed that the renewal payment was actually due today.    :wacko:   Why I lost my premium benefits at least two days prior to the recurring payment and the continuation of the subscription is unknown to me.
Could I get some assistance correcting my error ?

#3 le0ben


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Posté 28 juillet 2016 - 09:48

Your subscription should have been renewed on July 25th but was not renewed because of Paypal being sometimes late. So, if you want to subscribe again, please try and it should work now. Let us know if it doesn't.

#4 Mortifer



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Posté 28 juillet 2016 - 10:05

Thank you for your help. It worked fine now.

#5 Brennos


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Posté 01 août 2016 - 11:32

Thank you :)




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Posté 27 août 2016 - 07:29

A. Ecran affecté - Screen where the bug occures :   regular game screen in MoH; Subscription screen and also regarding paypal payments

B. Décrivez ce qui se passe - Describe the problem :  Cannot access premium benefits; cannot manually renew subscription

C. Comment reproduire précisément la situation ? How could we reproduce the same situation to see the bug ?  not sure

D. Nom de la partie - Name of the game :  March of History - Bacon КРЪСТЕВ & DIDEROT server

E. Votre machine et votre navigateur - Your computer and your web browser : PC(win7), chrome

F. Votre login - Your name : TIGERAT

G. Informations supplémentaires, screenshots etc - More informations, screenshots etc :   I can't play in my 3 servers i pay but the game do not register that

#7 le0ben


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Posté 01 septembre 2016 - 07:36

Hello, sometimes Paypal takes more time than it should to renew a subscription which can cause such an issue but it should be ok for a few days now. :)

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