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[RP Game] The court of Portugal (King accepting Audiences)

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3 réponses à ce sujet

#1 Ariel



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Posté 28 juin 2015 - 09:14

Christome of Portugal had only recently returned to the safety of the walls of his white city. Vendas Novas capital of the Kingdom of Portugal, its tall towers flying the colors of the royal family. As Christome approached the stables he spotted a servant. With a quick commanding order the boy took the reigns and elegantly the king leaped from his horse. For a moment he looked up to the sky to enjoy the soft winter breeze on his stern face. A king can only allow himself to day dream for mere seconds however as there is always urgent matters to attend to. As expected Jova of Beja the brother-in-law had spotted the king approaching the castle and came quickly running towards him. ''My liege, pressing matters require your inmeddiate attention I'm afraid milord''. Though these words could have alerted a commoner for the king this was daily rountine and with a calm serene attitude he followed his steward into the castle. 


Today the King of Portugal holds court for anyone that asks an audience, this could be for anything. There is always new lords asking the king for advice on what to do or criminals to be tried. Sometimes commoners come to seek aid of the king in dispute with neighbouring farmers over a lost cow. How formal or crazy the audience may be the king will acknowledge them all with a personal responds such is his duty. Christome of Portugal leans back into the soft cushions of his throne and watches the large door made of solid oak wood, who will the herald announce today?


Rules of the RP game:


The rules of this game are simple, begin your post with the announcement of the herald this contains the name of your current Head of Household plus all his titles and end with ''seeks audience with the King of Portugal'' you may attach a subject if you like. Then put your petition forward in a new alinea as you see fit, make it funny, imaginary or formal and serious. The audience doesnt have to be purely fictional if you wish that your audience has an in-game effect then put [In-Game] in front of the announcement of the herald. 


For example:


[In-Game] ''Lomig of Montargil, Viscount of Montargil, Lord of Montargil seeks audience with the King of Portugal on the subject of alliance''.



Let the role-playing game commence!

''We arent known for our enemies, merely for our allies''

#2 Ariel



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Posté 06 juillet 2015 - 09:47

A soft nudge from the steward awoke Christome. Attempting to not embarress himself in front of his own court the King straightend his back and set his facial expression to a serious look. After glancing into the throne room he noticed however that no significant lord had arrived yet. In fact, aside from the locals fighting over a broken fence or the loss of a pebble nothing had happened yet for the entire day. Suddenly the heavy oak wooden doors opened and the Kings herald appeared. Pouncing his cane onto the marmer floor the herald began to speak with a loud booming voice:


''Esteemed High King of Portugal, I present to you William of Punland, Lord of Griningen, Viscount of Laughington, Duke of Men'' 


A small figure outfitted in a suit that showed nothing but the coat-of-arms of Portugal appeared, on top of his head an obviously fake crown with bells attached to it. The little man bowed with a devious grin on his face ''hehe greetings your majesty may I have this audience with you?'' 


Christomes facial expression instantly changed from an interested look to one that is best explained as furious. ''Who let this jester in my court?! Every year its the same with you people! Just because nobody ever visits my court doesnt mean you can send in jesters to mock me!'' The King slowly stands up from his throne and begins walking towards the jester.


''hehe well your majesty, obviously High King is a bit of overcompensation isnt it? Judging by the seize of his Highness or Shortness I should say hehe''   


The King of Portugal continues to walk towards the jester with a straight face, but inside he appears to be raging with anger. Every year the people of Vendas Novas hire a jester to mock the King, this was all fun until Christomes father died and he became King himself. Two years ago for example the jester decided it was time for a bit more spice in the House of Portugal so he added some extra reagents to the royal soup. Christome couldnt taste anything but heat for the next month. Last year the jester decided that the king should show more of his beastly side towards his enemies. This seemed like good advice until the jester released a giant ox in the middle of the palace. This year however the King had decided that he would throw the jester out before the jest. Hehe what a good pun throwing the jester out before the jes... 


One moment he was thinking about how funny he was and the next moment his face was covered in flour. A giant sack of the white substance had been opened right above the head of the King. ''hehe I see why they call you Christome the White now hahaha.'' The jester rolls around in laughter before jumping on his feet and running into village where he would be greeted as a hero according to tradition. 


After standing frozen like a statue the in flour covered King turned around to return to his throne only to be greeted by the grinning face of his steward. ''Well played your Highness, as usual the act was formiddable''. ''What act Jova? I dont know what you are talking about, get someone to clean my robes.'' The words that were exchanged may have sounded stern but the watchfull eye would have noticed the barely surpressed grin beaming of off Christomes face. 


Now that the jester has visited the court the audiences can resume as normal. Please join the game and feel free to roleplay anything as long as you follow the rules above! 

''We arent known for our enemies, merely for our allies''

#3 countess.Kathleen



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Posté 04 août 2015 - 04:52

It was a long and strenous journey from Italy to Vendas Novas but Kathleen was certain that the trip would be worth the effort. Upon arrival in the capital, she asked for a bathroom to make herself and her ladyship presentable to the court of good king Christome. About an hour later, the herold came to announce:


"Esteemed High King of Portugal, I present to you Rio de Pescara, Lady of Pescara accompanied by mistress Kathleen."


Through the large oaken door two women entered. One was a small italian girl or perhaps 5 or 6 years. She was accompanied by a refined woman in her early to mid-twenties. The girl stood before the king sheepishly while the woman made a curtsey and adressed the King respectfully:


"Your majesty, we have come a long way from the coast of Italy to ask for the hospitality of your court which is legendary throughout christendom." She batted her eyes at the king while little Rio started to wander about in the courtroom. "I have been entrusted with the care of Lady Rio de Pescara by her father, the late Lord Gurvand de Pescara, who passed away at the most inoppurtune time. You might remember him for he supplied the court with a load of extra spicy Indian peppers about two years ago as your majesty's steward had asked." While Kathleen was explaining the family's predicament to the king, Rio sat down on the floor and started trailing the decor of the tiles with her finger, slightly drooling away while she was at it.


"...for the House of Sulmone is jealous of the family's rise to power. He seeks to conquer what he believes is rightfully his and we fear for the little Lady's safety. So I humbly ask your majesty's permission to let us weather the storm here and wait for peaceful times to return to the county. And if I may be so bold to ask your counsel - your wisdom is famed in Europe and with the passing of Gurvand, no one is left with any military expertise. For instance, we already started arming the peasentry and rumor has it, putting a knife in a farmer's hand and calling him 'seargent' suffices to make our miliatry reputation soar past that of our liege's. So I fear that calling upon our rightful liege won't save us from Sulmona's armies. But what will, your majesty? What will?"


Kathleen let the question hang while Rio laid on her back, staring at the beautiful courtroom ceiling. Yes, decided Kathleen, yes, this family needed help if they wanted to survive the current crisis.

#4 Ephraim52



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Posté 06 août 2015 - 04:19

As the guests of the king remained in the courtroom the viceroy of Portugal decided to step in and report that later that day the king had passed away and his heir too. 
Signora Kathleen it grieves me deeply as our king is no longer present to fulfill whatever you asked of him instead you will have to refer you questions to me and I will lay them out to the dukes which are the highest ranked amongst the nobility. 
He said with a saddened face and a heavy heart, looking up at her he continued to lay out what they could offer. 
We can aid in diplomacy and military aid but only in financial means and allies. Your king should protect you if he does not and you come to us for the aid which should have been provided by your rightful liege then he does not deserve such a vassal as yourself. 
Trying to put a smile he feels like he failed the Lady who came seeking aid in Portugal.
You are free to stay here and if you want you might get a city here to secure a place for your family. I'm sure your daughter will like the beaches here in Portugal as much as in Italia.
In the meantime can you clearify what drives the Lord of Sulmone to do that to you and why your king is not aiding you or perhaps you did not ask him yet?
Looked at her frowned with his eyebrows pondering on what he can make of the situation as he sat on the bench opposite of her drinking his wine.

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