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Izzie's Answers

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#1 Izzie


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Posté 21 avril 2016 - 08:16



Questions that I have answered. These answers will all be added to the beginner tutorials (battle tutorial isn't written yet):






Forum Question One: How do I set my army settings for food and troops?


A: First go to the manage screen. MAP > ARMIES > MANAGE THE ARMY
Type your name into the bottom right where it now says my name. It will begin to populate with your town names. Add all the towns that are your main feeding towns. (Towns where you will be checking food supplies and keeping farms). If you end up with 30 towns, I suggest you only keep about 5-8 towns as your main feed towns. (It's just easier on your memory.) If you move around the map from France to Italy, then you might want to change which towns produce the most food and troops. Good contact with those towns is essential. (If supplies are cut off from your armies, they only have a limited time that they can operate before they run out of food and disband. So be careful when you RoW across an unallied land. When the ROW expires your troops will be cut off.


The manage screen:


Orange (Your fighting strength) - Yellow (Troop Morale) - Purple (Current Food Stocked) - Blue (Cost per month) - Green (Food Being Pulled Today)





After that go into each town that you've allocated and make sure that they are supplying food. If you have a farm in the town, go to Armies and see if you set it to supply the town. If not, you may want to add it. The red arrow is the minimum number of men and food you are asking for from that town. The green is the maximum amount that you will allow to be sent to the armies. I always max those, but I think the most that ever gets pulled is 50. I have other reasons for setting it to 200, but that's a secret. :P



#2 le0ben


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Posté 26 avril 2016 - 01:24

Great work Izzie! :D

#3 Izzie


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Posté 26 avril 2016 - 06:51

Merci. <3

#4 Brennos


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Posté 18 mai 2016 - 12:39

So, could you insert it on the Wiki?

#5 Izzie


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Posté 20 juillet 2016 - 12:47

Yes I will do so. More content. Please post here if you disagree with my answers.


Question:  My friend is in a "WAR of Betrayal" he cannot seem to set war goals... 

Answer:  The war goals can cause issues.  He has to log out of the server a few times, and log back in. Then he should be able to do it.

If he can't, then he might have accidently set them already. Also, have him look at the treaty. If the enemy didn't set war goals, it could be blank, and that could also interfere with the ability to set war goals.

#6 Izzie


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Posté 28 décembre 2017 - 01:57

So, could you insert it on the Wiki?

Yes. I will insert these all on the wiki in time. I am slow at doing it. Sorry.. It's already going to be 2018. Please feel free to copy/paste whatever you want to into guides, etc. I still also have videos that I made that I am slowing editing. They'll all be available in English of course. I hope people from other countries will watch them anyway. :P


I meant: English language.

Modifié par Izzie, 28 décembre 2017 - 01:58 .

#7 Izzie


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Posté 20 novembre 2019 - 10:04

Did I insert it all? I think I did. How are things going?

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