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Market not showing non local buy or sell offers


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#1 Vana_Runedottir



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Posted 06 April 2015 - 01:19 PM

In Game Locke, family Pontcroix.


A. Ecran affecté - Screen where the bug occurs: The market (basic not grand) screen.
B. Décrivez ce qui se passe - Describe what happens: Whichever resoucres and provinces I look for, I only see three local BUY resources (50, stone, iron, or food). Other players tell me they have tings for sale but I never saw any, When I try to sell something, the sale offer goes immediately into En Cours tab, and stays there, where no one else but me can see the offer.
C. Comment reproduire précisément la situation ? How could we reproduce the same situation to see the bug? What I did was build a market. Then I successfully bought 50 stone there locally. Then I tried to sell 30 of those stone at a higher unit price to any other province.  No one saw the offer. (I assumed people weren't intersted at that price, and that the offer wasn't on my BUY screen so that I couldn't buy it from myself. I only realised others couldn't see it when they discussed another offer that I couldn't see.)

D. Nom de la partie - Name of the game: LOCKE
E. Votre machine et votre navigateur - Your device and web browser: PC Windows 8.1, Firefox version 37.
F. Votre login - Your login: Vana_Runedottir, Pontcroix.
G. Informations supplémentaires, screenshots etc - More information, screenshots, etc: If people had not been discussing market activity in chat I wouldn't not have realised no one could see my offers, or that I was missing seeing others, so I think the bug may be more widespread.


Locke-Vannes family; Hobbes-Al Andalus family

#2 Mclegrand



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Posted 06 April 2015 - 10:02 PM

Are there markets on the whole way between the "seller" and the "buyer" ?

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#3 Vana_Runedottir



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:11 AM

The market has three tabs. BUY shows me only local automatic(?) items for sale from and for my own province, the three basics (stone iron food) for at 500g for 50 items. Vendre shows me a form for selling my own items (which is what I used to try to sell stones). And the the third tab 'En Cours' shows me the stones I tried to sell, as soon as I put them up for sale. Using other tabs to expand market choices to all provinces or specific ones, doesn't show me anything other than local. Items I or others have for sale don't appear in any tab. My stones for sale are only visible to myself and only in my En Cours tab.

Locke-Vannes family; Hobbes-Al Andalus family

#4 Vana_Runedottir



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 09:28 AM

It has been suggested to me that a reason my be that my land, Pontcroix, is separated from others by neutral territories. I don't understand that, but thought it was worth passing on.

Locke-Vannes family; Hobbes-Al Andalus family

#5 Xikari



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 03:32 PM

I have the same problem, but I'm on a coast, so I don't think it's a matter of being surrounded by neutrals?

#6 Mclegrand



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Posted 07 April 2015 - 07:46 PM

"Merchants" can go through any territory that has a market on it. Neutral territories, obviously, do no thave markets :)

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#7 Vana_Runedottir



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 12:53 AM

Are there not even sea routes to connect neutrally land locked provinces? It seems unfair/bugged that some of us cannot use a market until we can takeover a neutral, which others with working markets are more likely to do first. "Merchants" should be able to cross neutral or marketless lands more easily, without needing to pay tax. Shouldn't coastal provinces be connected along the coast or even overseas, because others with working markets can see deals from overseas?

Locke-Vannes family; Hobbes-Al Andalus family

#8 Garik



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Posted 10 April 2015 - 03:26 PM



I believe there are sea routes between coastal areas. You can see them on the map. They are represented by graphics of little (unmoving) ships that appear to be moving from one coastal area to another.


I was looking at your situation last night and noticed that your land does not appear to be connected to any others via water by such a sea lane. However, I'm not sure we've definitely determined that the system is working as it should. Has an admin looked to see that her situation is working as intended? From what I saw last night, her land borders that of Carhaix who she believes has the Great Market in her area. If that's so, shouldn't she have access to other markets via the path through Carhaix's land? This could still be a bug of some sort, and that's what we're here to test, right?

#9 Vana_Runedottir



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Posted 14 April 2015 - 01:42 AM

Carhaix does have a grand market. But I don't know whether or not Carhaix market had the same problem as mine, perhaps also being 'locked' behind neutral provinces. Carhaix hasn't talked to me about it.

However, today I conquered one of the neutrals, Concarneau, and as soon as I did that my market began to show trades from other places as it should. This, even though Concarneau has no market itself. I think the bug is that trades should be allowed to pass through neutral provinces (whether or not they add tax is another matter) since trades can pass overseas or through player and AI occupied places with no markets for everyone else, because having a market that can't operate properly is an unfair disadvantage. If it was even indicated that the market was not going to work properly, then I would not have wasted early resources building it (and racing Carhaix to build a grand market too but coming a very close second.)

Locke-Vannes family; Hobbes-Al Andalus family

#10 Evernight


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Posted 15 April 2015 - 07:32 AM

I have the same problem....help

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#11 Perrinne


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Posted 15 April 2015 - 09:06 AM

Aren't you in war with all your neighbours or nearly ?

#12 Brennos


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Posted 15 April 2015 - 09:59 AM

Aren't you in war with all your neighbours or nearly ?


Yes, please first check that.

Go on big map (unzoom it), click on Diplomacy tab to show your ennemies.


And yes, Neutral territories don"t allow you to create a path for merchands. Why ? Neutral are your ennemies, you don't need to declare war to attack them.

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